Does Cigna Cover Drug Rehab in Navarre, Florida?

Does Cigna Cover Drug Rehab?

Does Cigna Cover Drug Rehab at Twelve Oaks Recovery Center?

Cigna provides health insurance to individuals and families in many parts of the United States, including Florida, via a nationwide network of providers. The specific types and levels of care that are covered by Cigna, and the amount of care that Cigna will pay for may vary from policy to policy, but behavioral healthcare services including drug rehab for substance abuse and addiction are typically included in Cigna policies.

To determine what types of drug rehab care are covered by your Cigna policy, please feel free to contact Twelve Oaks Recovery Center. Have your policy information handy when you call, and the friendly staff member with whom you speak will be able to confirm your benefits and answer all of your insurance-related questions.

What Types of Drug Rehab Does Cigna Cover?

What Types of Drug Rehab Does Cigna Cover at Twelve Oaks?

As noted in the previous section, coverage limits for individuals who have insurance through Cigna may vary from policy to policy. In general Cigna’s coverage of drug rehab and related services in Florida includes mental and behavioral outpatient services, outpatient services related to substance abuse problems, and inpatient care for substance abuse.

Of course, these are relatively broad terms, so in order to determine if your Cigna insurance will cover the drug rehab that you need in Florida, please do not hesitate to contact Twelve Oaks Recovery Center. As an in-network provider with Cigna, we have significant experience working with individuals who have Cigna policies to identify and access all benefits to which they are entitled.

How Much of the Cost is Covered by Cigna?

How Much of the Cost of Drug Rehab at Twelve Oaks is Covered by Cigna?

Identifying the types and levels of drug rehab treatment that your Cigna policy covers is only one step in the process of determining how much of your care will be paid for by your insurer. As is the case with virtually all forms of insurance, Cigna policies typically place limitations on how much the insurer will pay for mental and behavioral healthcare services related to substance abuse and addiction.

One of the most important factors that influences how much of the cost of your drug rehab will be covered by your Cigna policy is what type of plan you have. In Florida, Cigna offers two types of plans: exclusive provider organization (EPO) plans and preferred provider organization (PPO) plans.

In general, Cigna’s PPO plans in Florida will pay for 60% of services for mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse treatment at in-network providers and 50% for similar services received at out-of-network providers. Cigna’s payment for certain services at out-of-network providers is also contingent on the PPO policyholder getting pre-authorization from Cigna prior to starting treatment.

For individuals in Florida who have an EPO plan, Cigna will pay for 50% of mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse treatment services at in-network providers, but will not cover services received at out-of-network providers.

Again, payment limitations, authorization requirements, and other features of your Cigna insurance will vary depending upon the specifics of your plan. To get clarification, please feel free to contact Twelve Oaks Recovery Center and have your Cigna insurance card and other relevant policy information available. The team member with whom you speak will be able to answer all of your questions and help you make the most informed decision for yourself or your family member.

What if Cigna Doesn't Cover All My Needs?

What Can I Do if Cigna Doesn’t Cover All of My Drug Rehab Needs?

At Twelve Oaks Recovery Center, we are committed to helping individuals and families whose lives have been impacted by substance abuse, chemical dependency, and certain co-occurring conditions. This commitment starts long before care begins, and includes having open and honest discussions with people who need our care and their loved ones about the cost of treatment and the degree to which their insurance will or will not cover care.

As noted previously on this page, Cigna may not pay for all of the services that you or your loved one needs in order to achieve healthy long-term recovery, and you may need to secure alternative funding in order to receive certain services. Before we can make that determination, though, we will need to determine what type and level of care you need, and then examine the details of your Cigna policy. Once we have this information, we can work with you to identify any financial requirements that may fall outside the scope of what Cigna will authorize for payment.

At Twelve Oaks Recovery Center we are well aware that financial concerns can prevent people from getting the care that they need. We hope that you will not allow worries about as yet unknown limitations to preclude you from seeking treatment. Many people who contact us are pleasantly surprised by our ability to guide them through the financial aspects of treatment and help them get the care that they need.

How Can I Confirm My Cigna Benefits?

How Can I Confirm My Cigna Benefits for Twelve Oaks?

To confirm the benefits of your Cigna policy, to get accurate information about the type, level, and amount of drug treatment that your policy will pay for, and/or to get answers to any additional questions that you may have about insurance for drug rehab services in Florida, please call us at your convenience. A friendly and knowledgeable member of our team is available to speak with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The admissions process at Twelve Oaks was very efficient, and the staff was so friendly and helpful to me when I needed it the most.

– Britney D.